NYC 11/20/21
BYBBA: What does Conscious Carrying mean to you?
ATG: Carrying yourself around with a conscious heart! We can't be perfect in all our decisions, but we can do our best to bring our awareness forth, slow down, and make whatever decisions feels best in that given moment. Conscious Carrying to me means putting ourselves on stage and realizing that we matter, that our actions matter, and that all the things we do -- no matter how small -- ripple effects! It might just seem like one plastic bag or one more disposable lid, but the roots go deeper than that. Your actions make the DNA of who you are and so you have to ask yourself, how do I want to show up in the world today? What choices can I make that will bring a better and more sustainable future closer?
BYBBA: Tell us a few ways you reduce single-use products? Any hacks that can help others?
ATG: I always bring my own bags to the store to eliminate single-use bags whenever I can. That includes produce bags as well! I like to give my fruits and veggies a chance to cuddle when I walk them home and it makes perfect sense in my world to drop the tomatoes in with the onions and sweet potatoes for the short trip home, there's no need to separate them all in different bags! I also bring my coffee cup to the store, carry a fork and a napkin in my purse for occasional lunch out, and tell the clerk that I don't need a lid for my salad! If I'm eating it right then and there, why cover it up? Every disposable item matters!
BYBBA: Whats on your mind as you head into the holidays- what are you thankful for?
ATG: The Holidays mean such different things for me these days. I used to love Christmas because I love buying gifts for people, but although I still love to gift, I am much more intentional in what I buy. Also, the Holidays these days for me are an opportunity to slow down and steep myself in love and gratitude. I love to stroll around Christmas markets hand in hand with my love and just look at people, or crawl up on the couch with a cup of coffee and just talk. I am so grateful to be healthy and happy, for my family close and far, and for the ability to live here and now -- during the most important time there ever has been to be alive! It might seem like scary times, and they are, but they're also so incredibly exciting and beautiful. I don't think we value enough the incredible gift of being alive in a time that matters so much.
NYC 9/9/21
More than an activist, Marina Testino gets our vote as the quintessential change-maker in sustainable fashion today. When we were developing BYBBA, we knew Marina was perfectly aligned with our mission around use and re-use. She's someone who embodies the spirit of conscious consumerism without compromising style or quality. We're honored to introduce our blog, CARRIED AWAY, with an interview with Marina, conducted during NYFW, as the kick-off to our ongoing series that will highlight people who uphold, uncover and inspire new ways of Conscious Carrying.
BYBBA: Tell us about #OneDresstoImpress and how you plan to integrate accessories. Are you keeping these to a minimum too?
MT: #OneDresstoImpress is a campaign aiming to raise awareness around conscious consumerism and women’s empowerment. In order to become more sustainable, we shall start with our closets and accessories. That is why I will try to keep the accessories to the bare minimum for two main reasons: focus the attention on the suit as the carrier of the campaign's message and promote creativity while we decide our outfits, by repeating them, also with our accessories!
BYBBA: As someone whose entire platform revolves around conscious consumerism, tell us how you carry—what’s in your bag and how do you make your bag choices?
MT: When I buy a bag I make sure it has multiple uses but also space to fit everything and especially that it’s comfortable and goes with different outfits. There’s nothing worse than a pretty bag that doesn’t even fit your phone!
BYBBA: What’s the one thing you never leave home without each day in your bag?
MT: The choice starts way before filling up the bag: I try to carry as few things as possible (I move a lot!), I never forget my mask and a reusable bottle of water and an additional reusable bag in case of a last-minute supermarket run. Of course, my phone also comes with me. I also take a roll-on perfume, lipstick and lip balm.
BYBBA: What’s your definition of Conscious Carrying?
MT: The way I see it is: Consciousness starts with knowledge so in order to "carry consciously", we should first know what to look for when we’re buying and educate ourselves every day. Conscious Carrying might as well be considered a way of life, at least it is for me.