BYBBA: What does Conscious Carrying mean to you? How do you apply it to you everyday routine?
I‘m really lucky to have been raised by parents who were also “conscious carriers." They taught me from a young age to always carry reusable bags with me when grocery shopping, running errands etc. While it is such a small change to incorporate in your routine, it can eliminate hundreds, if not thousands, of paper and plastic bags a year.
It means being aware that making small efforts can have big impact.
Carrying a BYBBA bag is emblematic of the attitude I want to carry with me - it’s staying conscious and principled about the way you see the world, how you dispose of things, reuse things, share things, grow things, support small business, eating local.
BYBBA: As someone who loves condiments and travels the world finding them, how do you integrate sustainable practices into your process?
What is so fantastic about condiments is that many come in glass jars. I reuse most of these glass jars in different ways around the house… I use them as 1) containers for seeds, nuts, dried fruit, sugar etc. 2) recipients to make my own condiments or salad dressings 3) jars for sourdough starter 4) beauty products while traveling 5) candles. Ok, I semi-lied about that last one… While I don’t make candles, my friend Grace reuses condiment jars, keeps the cute labels on them and makes the most delicious smelling candles!
As for traveling, I always try to reduce my carbon footprint by buying carbon offsets, donating to environmental charities and taking the train if I am able to… There are many ways to help! Even small donations can help in the long run.
BYBBA: How does nature or the planet inspire you?
I grew up in between Los Angeles and the French countryside. To me, whether my time spent in nature was on hikes in California or foraging in the forest in France, those memories are unforgettable and have shaped me into the person I am today. The planet is incredibly important to me for it has given me and given us as humans so much. Even incorporating small practice in your daily routine can make a huge impact in the environment and I think that’s always something to keep in mind. You don’t need to change your entire lifestyle from one day to the next - just take those baby steps, get used to them and move onto the next one once that first step has become a habit. If we can all do that, think about all of the change we could make.
BYBBA: As a foodie, where do you see opportunity for changes to the system that will create a more sustainable future?
Eating seasonally! I believe that living according to seasons will teach you how to live alongside the environment, live more slowly and give ingredients the respect they deserve. Having access to different fruit and vegetables all year whenever you want them doesn’t make sense! It’s so fantastic to have to wait for your favorite fruit or veg to be in season…